Category: Sea Life

Ocean deoxygenation: A silent driver of coral reef demise?

April 1, 2020 Science X
The existence of coral reefs, in all their abundant biodiversity and beauty, relies largely on a complex symbiosis between reef-building corals and microalgae. This finely tuned, fragile, partnership is constantly under threat from environmental stress—most notably the twin effects of warming waters and ocean acidification caused by climate change. But scientists say a third driver, that of ocean deoxygenation, could pose a greater and more immediate threat to coral reef survival.

Opinion: The Most Remote Islands in the Atlantic Ocean Need Protection

March 30, 2020 Pew Charitable Trusts
In the remote waters of the South Atlantic Ocean lies the Tristan da Cunha archipelago, some 2,400 kilometres (1,491 miles) west of South Africa. A chain of four islands, Tristan da Cunha covers a small land area—about one-tenth the size of London—but it has an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) close to three times the size of the United Kingdom: 754,000 square kilometres (291,121 square miles).